Summer Fun with Kids

Parenting a child with special needs and medical concerns, such as autism, cerebral palsy or developmental delay, can be daunting and overwhelming. It’s essential to take a break from busy schedules and make time for fun. The summer of 2024 is already underway and will pass all too quickly. I wanted to share many of…

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Lifehouse Altanta Building Its Foundation!

From left, Cecilia Reed, Teresa Winer, Robert Reed, Mary Reed, Lucy Cota with Catherine Reed in a stroller in front of her, and Jack Cota pose for a photo in front of The Springs, where the documentary will premiere. Special Photo: Jordan Levit A patient of Atlanta Children’s Therapy Associates, six-year-old Catherine Reed, is a…

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Sensory Friendly Activities Around Atlanta

Sensory Friendly Activities Around Atlanta

After a couple of years of limited social outings with the family due to COVID-19, many families are seeking avenues to get back out and enjoy activities in the community. Play gives children different opportunities for sensory, physical and cognitive experiences. Spending time together with your child enhances your child’s development and wellbeing. It creates…

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Gross Motor Development: When to reach out to a Pediatric Physical Therapist

Early intervention with children for their gross motor skill aquisition is important for overall development in the young child.  The sooner parents reach out to get strategies and ideas to support milestone acquisition the better. Parents often ask if actions their baby are doing are normal. I have outlined a general overview of behaviors that…

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Feature: Keeping up with physical and occupational therapy at home

Teletherapy has been an instrumental tool for therapists to connect with families and their children throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Good Morning America highlighted a family early last year participating in telehealth sessions. It has been a year since we transitioned therapy to a virtual medium. Although we are now able to return to face-to-face visits…

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Challenging Families and Children Virtually with Telehealth

In March 2020, the Coronavirus or COVID-19 became a household term worldwide. Telehealth has become the main delivery system for pediatric therapy for our patients. We have been given the opportunity to increase our creativity and improve our flexibility of thought to maximize excellence in outcomes of our care. Visuals to reinforce what we are…

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Thinking Outside of the Box, The Therapy Box!

Last December, I was fortunate enough to attend a class in Birmingham, Alabama at the Occupational Therapy Department on CBIT (Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics) strategies for clients with Tourette’s Syndrome. When tele-therapy was discussed as being a useful tool, I could not imagine using a computer/iPad to communicate with the children I see for…

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Coronavirus (COVID 19)

As there have now been confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID 19) in Georgia, many parents are asking questions about how to best protect their children and prevent the spread of virus. We at Atlanta Children’s Therapy understand your concern. As the safety and wellbeing of your children is also our number one priority, we…

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Giving Back with Atlanta Community Food Bank

The members of team at Atlanta Children’s Therapy and their families recently spent a Sunday afternoon volunteering at the wonderful organization, Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB). ACFB has been serving the community of Atlanta since 1979 and has grown from a modest operation to distributing over 60 million meals to 755,000 people in 29 different…

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Sensory Friendly Activities Around Atlanta

This is a great list of places to go around the city of Atlanta with children with autism or sensory processing disorders. These places have regularly scheduled times where the venue is modified to specifically accommodate children with special needs. I hope this will encourage you to get out and about and enjoy the day…

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Bounce! My Five Favorite Therapy Balls

My first introduction to therapy balls was in 1992. I was hired by the Vice President of Sportime International, Barry Traub (the inventor of the peanut ball),  to create a catalog for the Special Needs market, Abilitations. Barry had been injured in a diving accident and was my patient at the Shepherd Spinal Center (now…

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Our Team at Atlanta Children’s Therapy Associates

As the ‘long timer’ on our therapy team (six years and 6 months), I want to describe the joy I feel working with Cindy and Bill Burroway, Physical Therapists and co-owners of Atlanta Children’s Therapy Associates. To describe what it is like to work for Cindy and Bill is to explain why I love the…

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